品牌 澳士兰(广东·汕头)
行业 乳品,奶吧,烘焙
服务 益生菌酸奶包装设计
首先我们解答第一点:产品的理解。益生菌酸奶对于人体最大的功能作用是调理肠胃,本质是牛奶,功能是调理肠胃。第二产品的记忆,从设计层面分析,这是风格及记忆符号的结合。一个好的记忆符号及一个好的板式,基本可以了结一个成功产品包装设计一半的创作。因为记忆符号是一个符号战略,而板式色彩,是对于产品属性的分析设计出让消费者愉悦的视觉体验。这里我们采用的记忆符号是“甜甜圈符号”作为整体包装的符号元素,然后结合灵动的字体设计,表现出产品的趣味,健康,时尚的外表。然后再适当的放大品牌“澳士兰”的logo展现,强化品牌效应。很多客户会说:我发现尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!设计的作品,基本都是logo品牌名字比较突出。这就是我们说的品牌包装的认知,认知的目的是为了告诉消费者您是谁!我们要时刻记住:未来的竞争不是产品的竞争,而是品牌的竞争,我们要让客户因为我们的产品记住我们的品牌,因为我们的品牌而购买我们的产品。这是品牌互动营销体验的构建思维。对于第四点:购买理由,我认为是实事求是,不能夸大,但是也不能谦虚,因为这是您对于您产品及品牌的信心,以及您传递给消费者的信任保障,比如从产品包装设计上,我们需要专业打造,从品牌诉求上,我们需要诉求别人没有的,比如澳士兰23年的历史,牛在濠江,鲜在当天等无法复制的优势等。
Summary of the design.
We summarize creative words: fashion, cheerful, elegant
In product packaging design process, we always pursue the "aesthetics" + "cognitive" in the integration of creative idea, expectation for our customers and our customers to provide more elegant, more quality products packaging experience.
We are thinking about Australia silan probiotic yogurt packaging design, first of all we look for the four points: the first product attribute understanding, the memory of the second product, the third product trust, the fourth product is bought. First of all, we answer the first point: the understanding of the product. Probiotic yogurt recuperate intestines and stomach is the biggest functions for the human body, is the essence of milk, the function is to regulate intestines and stomach. The second product of memory, from the design level analysis, it is a combination of style and memory symbols. A good memory symbols and a good plate, basic can take half of a successful product packaging design. Symbol is a symbol for memory strategy, and plate color, is for the product attribute analysis